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Lana's Documents

I love the graphic design of everything, the module, the presentation. It is all very professional and makes a nice package. 


            I noticed in your module that you use some real names of people when talking about the librarian and her assistant. Although they may end up working there forever, it might be advisable just to label them with their titles in case roles change or something. Not a big deal, but just a thought that came up in one of my modules last year.


            The animation of the slides with the text flying in looks really sharp. Plus one in the delight column. The question slides are also very delightful with the different types of interactions that you incorporated.


            I might recommend having each team member talk a little bit about their role on the team so that the first year students will better understand the importance of team work. Also, they are still learning what different roles are possibilities for teams, so that would help them be able to contemplate where their strengths may be and how they could best contribute to a team. 


            Great job Mega Powers!

Mega Powers -

Desk Crit 1

March 17, 2016

Writing Assessments to Validate the Impact of Learning, Part 2

The very first thing to jump out at me during this reading was on the very first page when the authors spoke about the importance of repetition in learning and using what you are learning. Although I know they are referring to assessments, this is so true and important in my specialty area, language learning. Making sure that language is repetitive is one of the three most important components of language learning along with interesting and comprehensible, so I of course loved this little nugget of wisdom.


            I also loved the following quote that came soon afterward: “a well-designed assessment will also reinforce with learners which content is truly critical and should have the strongest impact on their performance.” I have come to feel that when I am assessing my own students, the purpose is not only to give them a grade, but to give them another opportunity to work with the content in a way that will help them to continue improving.


            Going back to the previously mentioned importance of repetition, no matter how many times I study or read about Blooms Taxonomy, I always benefit from it. It always helps to refresh on the concept and reflect on the type of learning and assessments that I am currently constructing. Although, sometimes my brain starts hurting when I try to figure out what is actually happening with my own students. What may appear to some as a low level type of question will always be bumped up for language learners because they have to do everything in another language. So even if the question is as simple as “Describe your family,” the students have to create their responses sometimes using some creative problem solving if they stumble across some vocabulary obstacles, so the difficulty level is much higher than it would be if they were answering that question in their native language.


            It was very interesting to read through the tips for writing questions and answer options. It struck me that this section of the reading would make an excellent brochure or job aide for professional who often write assessments. It would be difficult and possibly impractical to spend much time memorizing these tips, but if you consistently use them and are able to consult them while you are working, you may find that over time you will know them without even needing to consult the charts anymore.

 First of all, this is a very interesting idea because it appears to be kind of like a mixture between a traditional LMS and a more professional version of Facebook. This concept appears appropriate because many people are already using social media like Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Linkedin, etc. to share idea ideas, opportunities for learning, etc. with colleagues and friends. The trick in the workplace would be getting everybody on board and motivated to use the tool. Since it is a platform that focuses on workplace learning, users will not likely be particularly excited to log in when they get home to relax. One of the draws of traditional social networks is that they incorporate the users actual social life, although sometimes workplace interactions can take place there as well. With this type of platform, the focus is the opposite. Most of the interactions and content are going to be focused on workplace learning, with less likelihood of non-work related social connections, therefore not as appealing for a learner.

            However, if the boss/administrators of the company take advantage of the badges and find a way to make them more genuine, the motivation for using the tool can be increased. 


SCORM and Tincan Reflection

Tips & Tricks for Recording Audio

The reading for this week takes me back to our Maymester class and what we learned about creating quality videos, particularly the audio portion. As a Spanish teacher, I found it very interesting because I often create listening content for my students and am always looking for a better, more effective way to do so. Although I know that background noise and poor quality audio is often part of real life conversation situations (airports, phone conversations, etc.) there are many activities and assignments in which it is important that my students have great listening materials. Although many textbooks and online sites have great resources, it is not uncommon that I need audio materials that are customized to my students and curriculum. For my purposes, it is not likely that I am going to go out and buy a new fancy mic (although I loved the sound on the Blue YetiPro) so I appreciated the advice about what you can do to make your audio better quality. Mic position, recording with a 30 second buffer, and not stressing out too much about it are the most helpful for me. Like I stated previously, when my students are in real life situations speaking Spanish with people, they will not always have the advantage of having perfect audio quality, so I can relax a little and know that I am giving them a more real life example when everything is not perfect. However, I know how frustrating it can be too try to understand someone that you can't even hear, so I want to make sure the mic is close to my mouth so that it is strong and audible.

Gagne Style -

Desk Crit 1

March 17, 2016

It looks like you guys are well on your way to an excellent module. I really like the fact that the module is designed as a simulation and that when users master the module, they are in essence mastering the tool that they are being taught. I think someone already mentioned it tonight during class, but it may be helpful to have a submit button on the slides that have the questions so that the users know what to do without a doubt.


            The look of the module is nice and clean, the graphics are nice. I might recommend having each team member talk a little bit about their role on the team so that the first year students will better understand the importance of team work. Also, they are still learning what different roles are possibilities for teams, so that would help them be able to contemplate where their strengths may be and how they could best contribute to a team. Good job Gagne Style.

Gagne Style -

Desk Crit 2

April 13, 2016

Gagne Style


This project has really developed into something very professional. The voice of the narrator is great and really gives a polished feel to the module. The animations of the content on each slide are smooth and great looking without unnecessarily distracting from the content. I also enjoyed some of the little bells and whistles that you added including the clicking sound during the video.


Add a start button at the beginning so that the user will have more control at the beginning of the module. I also would recommend adding forward and previous buttons to each slide. I understand that you want the user to go through the module in a certain way, but what if a user had already completed the module and just wanted to come back and check out a certain section and skip through at a more rapid rate. Not a big thing, but may be helpful. Another suggestion along similar lines would be to activate the menu so that users can use it to skip to sections that they may need more than others.


One other thing you may want to think about would be adding the transcript somewhere that the user can access it. Maybe it is somewhere and I am not seeing it, but if that were the issue, it would also be something worth addressing.


Again, I am very impressed with all the progress you guys have made. I am sure your client will be thrilled with the final product. Great job team!


Mega Powers -

Desk Crit 2

April 13, 2016

Mega Powers


Seriously, every time I see one of your screen designs, I think how great it looks, how to do it and that I never would have thought to do it that way. They always look so great, from the layering of images, to the animation that you add to each piece of content, it is always a great combination of a clean and simple look that is very eye catching and delightful.


I know I am not the only one to comment on this, but the placement of the menu is excellent and the resources tab will surely be helpful to any teacher who uses this module.


All in all, I really thought everything was great. The only question I have is about the audio. There does not seem to be much included on the majority of the slides and I am by no means an expert, but I am curious as to how accessible the module would be for someone who is visually impaired.

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